About Us


Greenkalaminteior.com is Registered Brand  of GREEN KALAM INTERIOR DESIGNERS PVT.LTD., incorporated (CIN- U74999TN2016PTC111812) on fourth day of August 2016. We are expert in the field of Interior Design because of past 20 years of labour experience with high customer satisfaction and trustworthy. We are STARTUP INDIA Recognized.

Interior Designers in Kodambakkam

Our Team people are well trained and experienced in Design, Carpentry, Flooring, Electrical and Plumbing, False ceiling, painting, UPVC Door and Windows, Toughened Glass, CNC jali work, Wall Paper solutions. Greenkalaminterior.com provides you Beautiful and Stylish Interior solutions for your dream Home and Office with Creative and innovative ideas.

Our Valuable Clients
Interiors in Kodambakkam


from the brain

Interiors in Kodambakkam


is at the Heart

Interiors in Kodambakkam


Decorate using the hands with dedication..

Our Interior material Brands

Design For Every Budget